South Korea to pay almost 14% more to fund US military presence in the country | NK News
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February 24, 2025

South Korea to pay almost 14% more to fund US military presence in the country

Seoul accepts proportionate increase in payments until 2025 as defense budget grows

South Korea agreed to an “exceptional” increase of its financial contribution to the U.S. military presence in the country and will pay 13.9% more this year than in 2020, the foreign ministry in Seoul announced on Wednesday.

According to the ministry’s press release, the cost-sharing deal also known as the Special Measures Agreement (SMA) requires South Korea to pay a total of 1,183 billion won (around $1.036 billion) in 2021. The contribution will continue to increase proportionally to South Korea’s total defense expenditure until 2025, budgeted at 53.2 trillion won (around $46.3 billion) this year and slated to grow by 6.1% on average annually.

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