Seoul to spend $8 million on high-tech system that analyzes North Korea data | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Seoul to spend $8 million on high-tech system that analyzes North Korea data

Unification ministry wants to build AI tool that can analyze DPRK-related files and make inferences about the future

South Korea is planning to spend roughly $8 million on a high-tech system that analyzes North Korea-related information using artificial intelligence and big data, according to the country’s Ministry of Unification.

Last week, the ministry posted an “urgent notice” calling for companies or services that can help build the advanced system, citing a total budget of 8.97 billion won ($8 million). The system will harness the power of artificial intelligence to analyze photos, videos, documents and audio files related to North Korea that are obtained in real-time, as well as media already obtained and stored by the unification ministry. It will also aim to use this information to automatically create reports on North Korea and create “artificial intelligence-based inferences” on what is about to happen in the DPRK.

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