North Korea blasts Harvard professor for denying Japanese wartime sexual slavery | NK News
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February 24, 2025

North Korea blasts Harvard professor for denying Japanese wartime sexual slavery

State-run outlet calls Ramseyer a “hideous money-grabber” and “pseudo-scholar," scholar declines response

North Korea slammed a prominent Harvard University professor on Tuesday after he wrote that Korean women in Japanese military brothels were voluntary prostitutes and not sexual slaves.

In Dec. 2020, J. Mark Ramseyer, a Mitsubishi professor of Japanese Legal Studies at Harvard Law School, wrote a controversial academic paper stating that Korean women transported to Japanese “comfort stations” were not forced by the Japanese government to provide sexual services to military personnel and did so voluntarily. In the U.S. and South Korea, students rallied against the academic paper, saying that Korean “comfort women” suffered war atrocities and sexual slavery.

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