North Korean football player loses his $4.9 million contract with Qatari team | NK News
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February 24, 2025

North Korean football player loses his $4.9 million contract with Qatari team

Han Kwang Song was supposed to play for Doha for five years, but a U.N. report suggests that his career was cut short

North Korean football player Han Kwang Song was once one of the highest-paid athletes in his country, with a five-year contract offering roughly $4.9 million playing for a Qatari team. But sanctions have apparently put a hold on his career: A new draft U.N. report suggests that Han lost his gig in Doha and left the country.

According to an unpublished U.N. Panel of Experts report seen by NK News, Han’s contract with the Al-Duhail Sports Club was recently terminated.

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