New missiles and boost for special forces signal North Korea’s military focus | NK News
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New missiles and boost for special forces signal North Korea’s military focus

ROK defense report shows DPRK concentrates limited resources on asymmetric warfare: Experts

North Korea continues to focus its limited resources on military capabilities that aim to provide advantages in asymmetric warfare, a report released by the South Korean defense ministry on Tuesday shows.

According to the biennial report, the DPRK added four new types of missiles to its arsenal, while expanding its number of missile brigades from 9 to 13. The new weapons include three short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) with ranges between 400 and 600 kilometers, as well as the Pukguksong-3 (KN-26), a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) the North announced and tested in Oct. 2019.

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