Kim Jong Un fires economic leader a month after appointing him | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Kim Jong Un fires economic leader a month after appointing him

The ruling party’s economic department director replaced, foreign affairs officials promoted

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reportedly demoted a key economic director just a month after appointing him and lashed out at party officials for a litany of misdeeds, including setting economic goals that were either too big or too small and causing electricity shortages around the country.

On Friday, the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said that North Korean officials wrapped up talks about the country’s new five-year economic plan on Feb. 11, marking the final day of the latest party plenum. The plenum took place over the course of four days this week, starting on Monday, and ended in the demotion of Kim Tu Il, the ruling party's economic department director.

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