Biden pressured China on human rights. North Korea could be next on his list. | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Biden pressured China on human rights. North Korea could be next on his list.

Experts say that the new U.S. president will be harder on North Korean human rights abuses than his predecessor

Last week, U.S. President Joe Biden pressured Chinese President Xi Jinping over his country’s ongoing abuse of Muslim minorities. Now, some experts say that this pressure will also soon be applied to North Korean human rights abuses.

In a first phone call with Xi, Biden brought up “human rights abuses” in China’s Xinjiang region, possibly referring to the detention, torture and killing of Muslims in the area. He also took issue with Beijing’s crackdown on Hong Kong, where pro-democracy activists were recently arrested for resisting a National Security Law, which is under fire for suppressing free speech and giving authorities grounds to arrest people for vague “political crimes.”

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