Supreme People’s Assembly, explained: Why North Korea is on the political move | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Supreme People’s Assembly, explained: Why North Korea is on the political move

The legislative meeting will kick-off the five-year plan discussed at Pyongyang’s Party Congress

North Korea just wrapped up an eight-day-long political event where thousands of delegates gathered in crimson halls to discuss the country’s future. But leader Kim Jong Un probably won’t have long to rest: Pyongyang will hold another important event called the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) in just a few days.

On the last day of North Korea’s Eighth Party Congress, state media announced that the fourth session of the 14th SPA — the country’s top legislative body — will start on Jan. 17. The event is meant to enact and elaborate upon North Korea’s next five-year plan for various aspects of North Korean society.

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