Kim Jong Un gives rare speech at first North Korean Party Congress in years | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Kim Jong Un gives rare speech at first North Korean Party Congress in years

Kim spoke on the country’s “underachieved” economic plan for a massive political event that will take several days

In a rare political event that only happens every few years, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un delivered a speech at the country’s Eighth Party Congress on Tuesday, standing before a maskless crowd of 7,000 people as he talked about the country’s failed economy.

Speaking on North Korea's five-year economic plan, Kim stood at the podium with his sister, Kim Yo Jong, sitting behind him, according to a Wednesday morning edition of the country’s state-run Rodong Simun newspaper. The event marks the second Party Congress to take place in the last 40 years, with previous events in 2016 and 1980.

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