About the Author

Min Chao Choy
Min Chao Choy is a data journalist for NK News and NK Pro. Choy specializes in news and analysis relating to DPRK shipping and aviation movements, sanctions, and cyber-security.
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Analysis Expert roundup: What North Korea’s Eighth Party Congress says about the futureAnalysts weigh in on North Korea’s relationship with Seoul and Washington, plus the DPRK’s economic outlook in 2021 ![]() After wrapping up day four of its politically-important Party Congress, North Korean state media released key details about where the country is headed on Saturday, laying out ambitious goals for its nuclear weapons program as well as its economy. State media also put out strong words on the United States and South Korea, accusing Seoul of dithering from important inter-Korean conversations and Washington of holding a foreign policy that “never changes,” no matter who’s president. Now, DPRK analysts weigh in on key revelations from the Eighth Party Congress, which comes at an incredibly trying time for North Korea. Kim Jong Un appears to be trying to regain control over a spiraling situation, experts say, and is using textbook rhetoric to emphasize its military power to the rest of the world. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |