US deputy secretary of state to meet top South Korean security officials | NK News
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February 23, 2025

US deputy secretary of state to meet top South Korean security officials

Biegun started off his trip to Seoul with words of praise, but the most intense meetings have yet to come

Wearing a mask and fist-bumping with South Korea's vice foreign minister, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun kicked off his trip to South Korea on Wednesday by celebrating the two countries' "great cooperation" over the last few years.

As President Trump's administration enters its twilight phase, Biegun touched down in Seoul in the late afternoon on Tuesday and quickly began meeting officials the following morning. So far, he sang praises to First Vice Minister Choi Jong-kun, emphasizing the strength of the U.S.-South Korea alliance and saying that this likely won't be his last-ever trip to Seoul.

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