Photos: North Korea congratulates itself for surviving 2020 in new picture book | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Photos: North Korea congratulates itself for surviving 2020 in new picture book

The book celebrates Kim Jong Un’s accomplishments, but its contents imply that some goals were swept under the rug

North Korea published a propaganda photo book celebrating Kim Jong Un’s achievements this year, but images inside suggest that some of the country’s premiere 2020 initiatives — like the opening of a major hospital — are still not finished and are well past deadline.

The new photobook highlights large-scale events like the country’s Oct. 10 military parade and the opening of Samjiyeon City People’s Hospital that same month. However, the book does not mention opening the Pyongyang General Hospital or Wonsan-Kalma resort by their initial deadlines, nor does it show pictures of finished construction.

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