North Korean vlogger slams YouTube for deleted channel, calls out ‘impersonator’ | NK News
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February 24, 2025

North Korean vlogger slams YouTube for deleted channel, calls out ‘impersonator’

YouTube cut a state-backed channel, but a look at related accounts raises questions about who’s running them

Earlier this month, YouTube “terminated” a North Korean channel called “Echo of Truth,” which featured a popular English-speaking host named Un A. The move drew criticism from North Korea supporters and researchers, but the situation appeared to be rectified when another channel by the same name quickly respawned and uploaded all of the channel’s deleted videos.

But on Tuesday, Un A herself called the replacement channel a fake and called out YouTube for deleting the original one. Her claims appeared in a Dec. 22 video on a brand-new channel called “Echo-of-Truth-Returns.”

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