US energy magnate claims he courted North Korean diplomats for the FBI and CIA | NK News
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US energy magnate claims he courted North Korean diplomats for the FBI and CIA

A sexual harassment case brings light to Adam Victor's claims that he wooed North Koreans diplomats in New York

An American energy magnate claims that he courted diplomats from North Korea's New York mission on behalf of the FBI and CIA, going as far as trying to get a bugged copy machine installed in the North Koreans' office building.

An investigation from The Daily Beast published on Tuesday shows that Adam Victor, owner of TransGas Development Systems, said in a sealed 2015 affidavit that the FBI tasked him with collecting information about North Korean mission operations. The claims – also detailing a career helping the CIA on a range of issues – came to light during a sexual harassment suit first filed against him in 2014.

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