South Korean billionaire willing to visit the DPRK to provide COVID-19 treatment | NK News
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South Korean billionaire willing to visit the DPRK to provide COVID-19 treatment

Celltrion Group chairman says he will send antibody treatments if the South Korean government gives him the go-ahead

Seo Jungjin, the second richest man in South Korea and the co-founder of one of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the country, said he is open to visiting North Korea to provide COVID-19 antibody treatments to North Korea.

In a recent interview with Hankyoreh, the chairman of the Celltrion Group conglomerate said the company will “work closely with the government” to provide COVID-19 related medical support to North Korea for free -- as long as South Korea is first free of the virus and deems donating the aid as in its national interest. Seo’s comment comes with the announcement that Celltrion will request approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) for its COVID-19 antibody treatment, as soon as the second phase test result rolls in.

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