Xi Jinping sent Kim Jong Un a friendly message — yet another bad omen for the US | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Xi Jinping sent Kim Jong Un a friendly message — yet another bad omen for the US

China and North Korea continue to grow closer, and experts say this spells a bad future for sanctions enforcement

Top leaders in North Korea and China are cozying up once again, with flowery memorials, war museum visits and now back-and-forth well-wishes between Kim Jong Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

On Thursday, North Korean state media reported that Xi sent Kim an Oct. 24 message wishing the North Korean leader “good health” and “prosperity.” The message reportedly came just days after Kim visited a cemetery and laid down colorful wreaths in honor of Chinese soldiers killed during the Korean War — and after he wished the People’s Republic of China a happy 71st anniversary, too.

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