Photos: North Korea’s cinematic military parade was both high-tech and emotional | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Photos: North Korea’s cinematic military parade was both high-tech and emotional

North Korea deployed new settings, new editing techniques and more to put together a “new genre” of state TV broadcasts

During Saturday’s historic military parade, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un certainly put on a show. Not only did the leader weep and apologize to his citizens for the hardships they’ve faced during his formal speech, but the programming that followed — lit-up planes, fireworks, rows of marching troops and missiles — created a theatrical and sophisticated event.

The Oct. 10 parade, which commemorated the 75th founding anniversary of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea, was broadcast on the country’s state-run TV on Saturday evening with improved cinematography and an all different “feel” from previous years.

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