How North Korea will react to Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis — or even his death | NK News
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February 24, 2025

How North Korea will react to Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis — or even his death

Kim Jong Un already sent President Trump well wishes, but will the DPRK try to take advantage of U.S. vulnerability?

Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump revealed to the world that he has tested positive for COVID-19. Given his advanced age, he is definitely under serious health risk — there’s little wonder why he flew to Walter Reed Hospital by helicopter on Oct. 3.

Since, several U.S. media publications have written that current American adversaries — including Iran, China, North Korea and Russia — may somehow take advantage of Donald Trump's health situation. However, when it comes to North Korea, the president's sickness likely won’t significantly impact North Korean actions in the next month or so.

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