Kim Jong Un described the failed Hanoi summit as a "moment of glory" in a personal letter he wrote to U.S. President Donald Trump in June 2019, excerpts from journalist Bob Woodward's forthcoming book released to media showed Wednesday.
Entitled 'Rage' and set to be released on Sept. 15, the book includes contents from 27 letters Kim Jong Un sent to the White House, including flowery content that Pyongyang likely hoped never to be made public.
Kim Jong Un described the failed Hanoi summit as a "moment of glory" in a personal letter he wrote to U.S. President Donald Trump in June 2019, excerpts from journalist Bob Woodward's forthcoming book released to media showed Wednesday.
Entitled 'Rage' and set to be released on Sept. 15, the book includes contents from 27 letters Kim Jong Un sent to the White House, including flowery content that Pyongyang likely hoped never to be made public.
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