COVID-19 has accelerated the effects of North Korea sanctions, the Commander of United Nations Command Robert B. Abrams said Thursday, meaning Pyongyang's primary focus is now on overcoming the growing consequences of the virus.
Because of a border shut-down to prevent COVID-19, the DPRK's ability to import goods from China has dropped significantly, Abrams said during remarks issued to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
COVID-19 has accelerated the effects of North Korea sanctions, the Commander of United Nations Command Robert B. Abrams said Thursday, meaning Pyongyang's primary focus is now on overcoming the growing consequences of the virus.
Because of a border shut-down to prevent COVID-19, the DPRK's ability to import goods from China has dropped significantly, Abrams said during remarks issued to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
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