‘Funding has fallen’: UN sounds alarm on lack of food aid for North Korea | NK News
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February 23, 2025

‘Funding has fallen’: UN sounds alarm on lack of food aid for North Korea

World Food Programme says it shut down all DPRK offices outside of Pyongyang amid a “shortage of funds”

Already resources-strapped and malnourished, average North Koreans are suffering because of recent challenges to the DPRK government: Three destructive typhoons just hit the country in less than two weeks, and COVID-19-related border closures have caused a steep drop in the nation’s trade and money-making tourism this year.

Now, the U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) is making a rallying cry for international cooperation and donations to help the DPRK. The group says its “funding has fallen” and that the WFP consequently had no choice but to shut down all North Korean offices outside of Pyongyang. 

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