WHO: North Korea tested redefector for COVID-19, but results 'inconclusive' | NK News
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WHO: North Korea tested redefector for COVID-19, but results ‘inconclusive’

WHO also confirms that the city of Kaesong has been under lockdown since July 19, when the "redefector" was found

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday confirmed North Korean reports that a redefector who crossed into the DPRK last month has been tested for COVID-19, reiterating Pyongyang’s claims that the individual's results were “inconclusive.”

In a statement to NK News, Representative to the DPRK Edwin Salvador said that Pyongyang informed WHO that the redefector was indeed suspected of having COVID-19 and that the case was detected in the city of Kaesong (as originally reported by North Korean state media).

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