SCN Singapore secretary fined $4,300 for sourcing luxury goods to North Korea | NK News
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February 24, 2025

SCN Singapore secretary fined $4,300 for sourcing luxury goods to North Korea

Lam Hon Lan pled guilty to charges under Singapore’s United Nations Act for sourcing nearly $60,000 in luxury items

A secretary for SCN Singapore was fined thousands of dollars on Tuesday after pleading guilty to helping three firms supply luxury goods to Pyongyang department stores — a violation of U.N. and Singaporean sanctions.

Lam Hon Lan will pay S$6,000 ($4,300 USD) in fines for three charges under Singapore’s United Nations Act. Lam was found guilty of sourcing S$82,000 ($60,000) worth of luxury goods to the DPRK, although the court had considered 40 more charges for goods worth roughly $417,000 USD during the sentencing progress.

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