North Korean women suffer 'gender-specific' abuses, new UN report says | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Korean women suffer ‘gender-specific’ abuses, new UN report says

Interviews with 100 female defectors detail sexual assault, forced labor and food deprivation in the DPRK

North Korean women are continuously facing forced abortions, human trafficking, torture and other human rights abuses, according to a new United Nations report based on interviews with 100 female defectors.

The report, released on July 28 by the U.N. Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (UN OHCHR) states that North Korean women "are systematically punished" for leaving the DPRK and are often "detained in inhumane conditions." The report further describes food deprivation, overcrowded prisons, sexual violence, infanticide and forced labor as major human rights violations, implicating factions of the North Korean government including the Ministry of People's Security and the Ministry of State Security.

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