North Korean schools in Pyongyang have closed, NK News has learned from multiple sources in Pyongyang, just a month after a long-delayed start to the spring term prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.
The closure follows DPRK leader Kim Jong Un's July 2 Politburo meeting order that COVID-19 measures nationwide would need to be “reexamined,” along with warnings that failure to comply could result in an “unimaginable and unrecoverable fatal crisis.”
North Korean schools in Pyongyang have closed, NK News has learned from multiple sources in Pyongyang, just a month after a long-delayed start to the spring term prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.
The closure follows DPRK leader Kim Jong Un's July 2 Politburo meeting order that COVID-19 measures nationwide would need to be “reexamined,” along with warnings that failure to comply could result in an “unimaginable and unrecoverable fatal crisis.”
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