EU rolls out first-ever cyber sanctions against North Korea-linked hacking | NK News
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February 24, 2025

EU rolls out first-ever cyber sanctions against North Korea-linked hacking

Chosun Expo was the only DPRK-linked entity named in the new sanctions, which also targeted Russian and Chinese groups

The European Union rolled out its first-ever “cyber sanctions” targeting North Korean, Russian and Chinese groups for their role in cyberattacks on Friday, setting further legal grounds for EU authorities to punish future cybercrimes.

The cyber sanctions specifically target the North Korea-linked Chosun Expo company for its role in assisting Pyongyang-sponsored hackers in the WannaCry ransomware attack — mostly by serving as a place for North Korean hackers to launch cyberattacks from outside the DPRK. Chosun Expo also helped North Korea-linked hackers carry out attacks on the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Sony Pictures and the Bangladesh Bank.

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