North Korea warns of "painful" consequences for South Korea as tensions mount | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Korea warns of “painful” consequences for South Korea as tensions mount

Head of DPRK's United Front Department dismisses ROK efforts to stop anti-regime leaflets being sent North as insincere

A top North Korean official on Friday warned that the country would soon take "painful" retaliation against South Korea, saying that its trust in Seoul to uphold inter-Korean agreements has been "shattered" by the government's failure to stop activists from sending anti-regime leaflets into its territory.

In a statement carried by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) ahead of Monday's 20th anniversary of the first inter-Korean summit, Pyongyang dismissed Seoul's efforts to stop NGOs from launching balloons and bottles carrying anti-DPRK literature as "lip-service."

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