Two film series frequently aired on North Korean television about Kim Jong Un’s exploits have been renamed in recent weeks, NK News analysis has found, reviving the titles and themes of classic documentaries covering the activities of former DPRK leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
The updated episodes of the series -- which comes amid a campaign to eliminate appearances of Kim Jong Un’s Supreme Commander emblem on DPRK state television -- are being aired out of order and are yet to appear in full, analysis shows.
Two film series frequently aired on North Korean television about Kim Jong Un’s exploits have been renamed in recent weeks, NK News analysis has found, reviving the titles and themes of classic documentaries covering the activities of former DPRK leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
The updated episodes of the series -- which comes amid a campaign to eliminate appearances of Kim Jong Un’s Supreme Commander emblem on DPRK state television -- are being aired out of order and are yet to appear in full, analysis shows.
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