"Precious" Kim-Trump ties won't fix stalled DPRK-U.S diplomacy: Choson Sinbo | NK News
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February 24, 2025

“Precious” Kim-Trump ties won’t fix stalled DPRK-U.S diplomacy: Choson Sinbo

North Korea has settled on new path and will push ahead with weapons development, influential pro-Pyongyang outlet says

Pyongyang will "not waste time" on U.S.-DPRK diplomacy, an influential pro-North Korean outlet said Tuesday, despite what it described as the "supremely precious" personal relations between leaders Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un.

The article, carried by the Choson Sinbo -- the official organ of the Japan-based pro-North Chongryon group -- came in response to a statement by top DPRK official Kim Yo Jong over the weekend, in which she confirmed that the U.S. President had recently sent a letter to the North Korean leader.

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