Former South Korean officials say Kaesong should reopen despite U.S. opposition | NK News
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March 07, 2025Mar 07, 2025

Former South Korean officials say Kaesong should reopen despite U.S. opposition

Moon administration is criticized for "being too conscious of the U.S." regarding resumption of the inter-Korean complex

Marking the fourth anniversary of the shutting of the Kaesong Industrial Complex, former South Korean officials and business people called the Moon administration out for "being too conscious of the U.S." regarding its resumption.

At a press conference held on Tuesday in Seoul, former unification ministers during the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun administrations, lawmakers, academics, activists, and the business people whose companies resided in the Kaesong Industrial Complex during its operation, gathered to discuss the status quo and the future of the complex, once jointly run by North and South Korea.

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