As U.S.-Iran conflict grows, North Korea's denuclearization odds may shrink | NK News
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February 24, 2025

As U.S.-Iran conflict grows, North Korea’s denuclearization odds may shrink

DPRK will likely see U.S. attack on top Iranian general as sign that nuclear weapons are necessary, experts tell NK News

A debate over President Donald Trump’s authority -- and willingness -- to wage war erupted in Washington on Friday after a U.S. drone killed a top Iranian military commander in Baghdad, but in Pyongyang, thousands of miles away from the Middle East, there will likely be no debate over what the attack means.

Instead, multiple North Korea experts told NK News on Friday that the DPRK's leader, Kim Jong Un, will likely draw one critical conclusion from the U.S. military strike: nuclear weapons are the only way to keep himself and his country safe.

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