Kim Kwang Sop, North Korean ambassador to Austria since 1993, wraps up posting | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Kim Kwang Sop, North Korean ambassador to Austria since 1993, wraps up posting

Long-time DPRK envoy in Europe suffering from health issues, NK News understands

Kim Kwang Sop, the son-in-law of the late North Korean leader Kim Il Sung and long-time DPRK ambassador to Austria, is leaving his post, a statement by a UN agency this week revealed, following reports by South Korean intelligence last month that he had been recalled home.

Kim, who also served as the DPRK's permanent representative to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Vienna, met with that agency's director general on Tuesday for a "farewell" meeting, a statement by the organization said.

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