U.S. outreach to North Korea over war remains "met with silence": DPAA chief | NK News
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February 24, 2025

U.S. outreach to North Korea over war remains “met with silence”: DPAA chief

Agency in charge of recovering POW remains still "open" to sitting down with DPRK in 2020

The Defense Department agency tasked with finding and repatriating the remains of American troops killed in the Korean War has been "met with silence" in its recent outreach to Pyongyang, a DOD official testified at a U.S. House of Representatives hearing on Tuesday.

Kelly McKeague, the director of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), told members of Congress that the Pentagon would be open to returning to North Korea next year to search for more soldiers' remains — a rare area of military cooperation between Washington and Pyongyang — but so far has not received any signals that the DPRK will allow them in.

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