Sweden no longer needed to mediate North Korea-U.S. talks: DPRK diplomat | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Sweden no longer needed to mediate North Korea-U.S. talks: DPRK diplomat

Kim Myong Gil urges Stockholm not to act like a "back-seat driver" in nuclear negotiators

Sweden "no longer" needs to act as a mediator in diplomacy between North Korea and the U.S., a senior official from the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said Tuesday, warning Stockholm not to act as a "back-seat driver."

Speaking to the DPRK's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Kim Myong Gil, who serves as a "roving ambassador" at the MFA, revealed that the U.S. had recently proposed the two countries hold another round of talks in Sweden and had asked that Stockholm share the proposal with the North.

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