Thursday test aimed at proving "combat application" of DPRK's new MLRS: KCNA | NK News
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Thursday test aimed at proving “combat application” of DPRK’s new MLRS: KCNA

North Korea hails “superiority” of new multiple launch rocket system in state media dispatch

North Korea yesterday conducted a test of a large-caliber multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) to “finally examine" its "combat application" in the presence of leader Kim Jong Un, the country’s state media said on Friday, hailing the "military and technical superiority" of the new weapon.

In a dispatch which follows reports by South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) on Thursday that the North had launched two projectiles from a large-caliber MLRS at 1659 local time, North Korean state media this morning confirmed its fourth test-firing of a “super-large multiple launch rocket system."

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