In new North Korean book on leader's diplomacy, Hanoi summit conspicuously absent | NK News
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February 24, 2025

In new North Korean book on leader’s diplomacy, Hanoi summit conspicuously absent

"Open the new era of peace and prosperity" was released by Pyongyang Publishing House last month

A recently-issued book by a prominent North Korean publisher aimed at hailing Kim Jong Un’s summit diplomacy between 2018 and 2019 has notably excluded mention of the DPRK leader's February meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in Hanoi.

The 275-page book, “Open the new era of peace and prosperity,” was published by the Pyongyang Publishing House on September 10 and written by Kim Hye Ran, though NK News was unable to verify whether it is being circulated internally or is for international audiences.

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