Restarting cooperation at KIC wouldn't violate UN sanctions: Blue House adviser | NK News
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February 25, 2025

Restarting cooperation at KIC wouldn’t violate UN sanctions: Blue House adviser

In interview with NK News, Moon Chung-in rejects "taboo" around discussing reopening the complex

The two Koreas would be able to restart cooperation at the now-shuttered Kaesong Industrial Complex (KIC) without violating international sanctions, a prominent advisor to the South Korean government told NK News, urging Seoul and Pyongyang to pursue inter-Korean economic cooperation and exchanges as a matter of priority.

Speaking in a wide-ranging interview with the NK News podcast recorded last week, Moon Chung-in -- who serves as a special advisor on foreign affairs and national security to the ROK President -- also said the Moon Jae-in administration should consider allowing South Korean tourists to visit Pyongyang and Mount Kumgang.

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