No remaining suspects in custody for Kim Jong Nam murder as Doan Thi Huong set free | NK News
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February 24, 2025

No remaining suspects in custody for Kim Jong Nam murder as Doan Thi Huong set free

Vietnamese citizen pleaded guilty to reduced charges in April, is set to return home Friday

A Vietnamese woman on trial in Malaysia for the 2017 murder of the North Korean leader’s half-brother Kim Jong Nam was released from prison Friday, Reuters reported, following her pleading guilty to reduced charges in the case in April.

The release of 30-year-old Doan Thi Huong leaves Malaysia with no other suspects on trial in the high-profile case, which saw Kim Jong Nam die shortly after Huong and Indonesian suspect Siti Aisyah smeared separate parts of the VX nerve agent on his face in the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in early February 2017.

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