Foreign minister admits to differences between U.S., ROK over North Korea policy | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Foreign minister admits to differences between U.S., ROK over North Korea policy

In press briefing, Kang Kyung-wha says greater dialogue on DPRK issues needed between the allies

South Korea's foreign minister on Thursday admitted to disagreements between Seoul and Washington over the DPRK issue, in comments in which she also confirmed that a scheduled visit to the ROK by U.S. Special Representative Stephen Biegun will take place soon.

Speaking at a special news conference, Seoul's Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Kyung-wha reiterated that the U.S. and South Korea agreed on their “basic approach” toward DPRK denuclearization, and on the need for a “comprehensive agreement with phased, simultaneous and parallel implementation."

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