One year since the Panmunjom Declaration: How did we get here, where are we going? | NK News
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February 24, 2025

One year since the Panmunjom Declaration: How did we get here, where are we going?

Nine South Korean experts assess the pros and cons of Moon's recent approach to inter-Korean policy

One year after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in crossed the military demarcation line to sign the Panmunjom Declaration, where do the two Koreas now stand? If one thing is clear a year later, it's that inter-Korean dialogue is now effectively suspended.

High-level talks have not taken place since October 15, director-level meetings have not been held for nine weeks, and Pyongyang remains silent on Seoul’s March 18 proposal to hold general-level military talks to discuss the Pyongyang Declaration military agreement.

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