The Republic of Korea and the United States have agreed to “conclude” the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle (KR/FE) joint military drills. The announcement came three days after the unexpected outcome of the Hanoi summit between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un and is, as a result, generating a good deal of interest in its implications.
But while there are concerns that the decision to end the drills may negatively impact the ability of South Korea and the U.S. to deter aggression from North Korea, it is this author's opinion that there will be no degradation in the allies' readiness.
The Republic of Korea and the United States have agreed to “conclude” the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle (KR/FE) joint military drills. The announcement came three days after the unexpected outcome of the Hanoi summit between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un and is, as a result, generating a good deal of interest in its implications.
But while there are concerns that the decision to end the drills may negatively impact the ability of South Korea and the U.S. to deter aggression from North Korea, it is this author's opinion that there will be no degradation in the allies' readiness.
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