Comrade Kim goes to Vietnam: some key takeaways from the KCTV documentary | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Comrade Kim goes to Vietnam: some key takeaways from the KCTV documentary

North Korea's 78-minute film downplayed the DPRK-U.S. summit, stressed importance of ties with Hanoi

North Korea’s state-run television on Wednesday carried a 78-minute documentary on Kim Jong Un’s Vietnam visit, entitled “Comrade Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of Our Party, State, and Army, Paid an Official Goodwill Visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: February 23--March 5, Juche 108 (2019).”

As the title indicates, the documentary was heavily focused on Kim’s recent visit to Vietnam. The documentary was carried ad hoc, at 2030 Pyongyang standard time.

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