The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released its “Needs and Priorities 2019” report Monday for its work in North Korea, claiming the food security situation in the country is expected to get worse as natural disasters and poor management continue to go unaddressed.
Describing “chronic food insecurity and malnutrition” in North Korea as "extensive," the FAO report said the DPRK experiences an approximately one-million-ton shortfall in domestic food production each year.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released its “Needs and Priorities 2019” report Monday for its work in North Korea, claiming the food security situation in the country is expected to get worse as natural disasters and poor management continue to go unaddressed.
Describing “chronic food insecurity and malnutrition” in North Korea as "extensive," the FAO report said the DPRK experiences an approximately one-million-ton shortfall in domestic food production each year.
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