Daughter of defector diplomat has been "repatriated" to North Korea: Thae Yong-ho | NK News
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February 25, 2025

Daughter of defector diplomat has been “repatriated” to North Korea: Thae Yong-ho

Former North Korean diplomat says Jo Song Gil likely fears for his family's "safety"

The daughter of Jo Song Gil, a North Korean diplomat believed to have defected late last year, has been returned to Pyongyang and is now in the custody of DPRK authorities, the country's former deputy ambassador to the UK said on Tuesday.

Reiterating claims made in South Korean media this week during a press conference in Seoul, Thae Yong-ho said he had over the past month sought to verify rumors than Jo's daughter had been forcibly returned to the DPRK before she should safely defect.

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