Representatives from the two Koreas held 285 meetings at a liaison office at the now-shuttered Kaesong Industrial Complex (KIC) since its opening in mid-September, an official from Seoul’s Ministry of Unification (MOU) told a closed-door briefing Thursday.
In a document detailing the work of the office marking 100 days since its establishment on September 14, the MOU said there have been an average of 2.9 face-to-face meetings per day, including twice-daily regular consultations and other sector-specific talks.
Representatives from the two Koreas held 285 meetings at a liaison office at the now-shuttered Kaesong Industrial Complex (KIC) since its opening in mid-September, an official from Seoul’s Ministry of Unification (MOU) told a closed-door briefing Thursday.
In a document detailing the work of the office marking 100 days since its establishment on September 14, the MOU said there have been an average of 2.9 face-to-face meetings per day, including twice-daily regular consultations and other sector-specific talks.
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