Third court delay for Singaporean director charged on North Korea sanctions | NK News
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February 28, 2025

Third court delay for Singaporean director charged on North Korea sanctions

Reasons for ongoing court delays unclear

Update: Singapore's State Courts said on Monday, in an emailed statement to NK News: "The hearing for the case, originally scheduled on 30 August 2018, was rescheduled to 27 September, to 8 November and then to 13 December 2018 at the applications of the Defence and Prosecution. The Defence had requested time to forward written representations to the Prosecution, and further adjournments were granted for the Prosecution to process and respond to the representations."

A company director charged by Singaporean authorities in July for supplying luxury goods worth approximately USD$6 million to North Korea had his trial hearing delayed for the third time in three months, it emerged on Thursday.

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