Sanctions remain major obstacle to North Korea-U.S. diplomacy, KCNA warns | NK News
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February 03, 2025

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Sanctions remain major obstacle to North Korea-U.S. diplomacy, KCNA warns

DPRK state media urges Washington to take “flexible and realistic” steps to improve relations

North Korea’s state-run media on Tuesday said the Trump administration’s insistence that sanctions relief will only follow the Pyongyang's denuclearization is the primary “obstacle” to progress in DPRK-U.S. nuclear negotiations, urging Washington to take “trustful measures.”

In a commentary titled "What do ill-boding remarks from the U.S. signify” by an author named Kim Chol Myong, the DPRK state outlet Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) denounced Washington for alleged two-faced behavior.

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