Why a U.S.-South Korea split on North Korea now seems inevitable | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Why a U.S.-South Korea split on North Korea now seems inevitable

President Moon's commitment to improving inter-Korean ties faces test of opposing U.S. goals

One thing is clear to everybody who interacts with the U.S. foreign policy establishment these days:  an unease about the future direction of relations between the U.S. and South Korea is extremely common.

At first glance, things look pretty good now. President Moon bestows lavish praise on President Trump and his policies towards North Korea, and goes to great length to maintain cooperation with the U.S. in all fields. Privately, some international trade experts even told me how much they were surprised by South Korea’s recent willingness to accommodate the demands of the Trump administration over trade policy – the experts claim most countries behave quite differently.

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