UN grants exemption for Orascom to operate Koryolink J/V cell network: Sawiris | NK News
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February 24, 2025

UN grants exemption for Orascom to operate Koryolink J/V cell network: Sawiris

Security Council's 1718 committee yet to confirm the news, however

The Cairo-based Orascom Investment Holding (OIH) has received an exemption from international sanctions prohibiting joint ventures in North Korea, the company's chairman Naguib Sawiris said in a tweet on Friday, allowing them to continue ownership of the DPRK's Koryolink mobile network.

“Great news for me and Orascom Investment,” Sawiris wrote in English, adding that the “United Nations just approved the exemption for Koryolink! Our mobile phone operation in North Korea.”

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