A visa processing freeze on western tourists to North Korea previously set to expire later this month has been lifted for some tour companies, sources say, as DPRK tourism officials continue to send mixed messages ahead of the upcoming September 9 National Day celebrations.
Non-Chinese tour companies first reported a freeze on visas a week ago, with some saying at the time that their North Korean partners had suggested the processing of visas would not resume until the end of the month or later.
A visa processing freeze on western tourists to North Korea previously set to expire later this month has been lifted for some tour companies, sources say, as DPRK tourism officials continue to send mixed messages ahead of the upcoming September 9 National Day celebrations.
Non-Chinese tour companies first reported a freeze on visas a week ago, with some saying at the time that their North Korean partners had suggested the processing of visas would not resume until the end of the month or later.
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